
Boxing and Agility: A mix of boxing circuits and some balance/agility exercises. A well-rounded workout that is great for both the brain and body!

Chair Pilates:  A class focused on posture, breathing, stretching, core and muscle activation. Most of the class will take place seated in the chair with some occasional standing (holding on to the chair if need be) at the end.

Strength & Mobility:  A group class focusing on strength and mobility. All levels of ability may participate in this class. Modifications are given as needed.

Cardio & Balance Reboot:  Want to work on some aspects of your balance and get your heart rate up with some cardio circuits? Join us for a 60 min class with a focus on different aspects of our balance system as well as overall heart-healthy cardio activity!

Chair Yoga: These classes will be performed in the chair or standing with support as needed, and you can use blocks, blankets, or straps for added support. Modifications are given throughout class to meet your level!

Fit for Life: A group class that is a mix of balance, strength, cardio, coordination, and agility. Great to keep you on your toes and age healthy.